Palomar College Among Top 100 Producers of Associate Degrees for Minorities


SAN MARCOS, CA — Palomar College is one of the nation’s top colleges when it comes to helping minority students earn their associate degrees, a recently published study has found. The study by Diverse places Palomar 73rd out of the top 100 higher education institutions in the category.

The data shows that in 2018, some 59 percent of Palomar’s graduates were minority students, with a total of 1,211 earning an associate degree. That was an 8 percent increase over the previous year’s tally of minority graduates.

“Palomar College is committed to helping all students succeed in their educational journeys. This report indicates that Palomar is serving the entire community and driving educational diversity in the region,” said Acting Superintendent/President Dr. Jack Kahn.

According to the study, Palomar was one of just four of the region’s 10 community colleges to make the Top 100 list. The full results can be found online.