Pathway Health Clinic Providing for the Community


Pathway Health Clinic, a nonprofit pregnancy medical clinic located at 1830 Hacienda Drive Suite 8, Vista is still providing no-cost pregnancy tests and ultrasounds by appointment only during the current COVID-19 crisis. Additionally, Pathway is also providing diapers and baby wipes to those in the community who are struggling financially.
“Pregnancy diagnosis is timely, and we want to make sure that women have a place to go to obtain the information they need regarding their pregnancy,” stated Leslie Salazar-Carrillo, CEO of Pathway Health Clinic.

“We also would never want a family to have to choose between buying food and buying diapers. We will do everything we can to supply what is needed.”

Leslie Salazar-Carrillo stated Pathway Health Clinic is adhering to all CDC, WHO, and Health Department guidelines. We require all staff and patients to wear masks, maintain social distance, we are taking the temperature of the staff and patients, and are limiting the number of people in the clinic, to ensure the safety of staff and patients.

“We are grateful that as a licensed, accredited medical clinic, we are still able to provide care to those who need us, especially in the midst of uncertainty.”

For more information regarding Pathway Health Clinic and the services they provide visit