Rodriguez Response to Oceanside Police Officers Association


To Whom It May Concern,

First and foremost, I would like to personally thank OPOA, sworn and unsworn, for your faithful service to our city. I firmly believe that Oceanside Police are the finest in our state and a balanced example of both servant and protector.

We find ourselves in precarious times and unchartered territory across our state. From one County to the next there is differing health directives with varying interpretations and enforcement practices, making it extremely difficult to be a police officer. Many County Sheriffs and Police Chiefs like neighboring Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco refuse to make criminals out of law-abiding business owners exercising their constitutional rights to provide for their families.

Hundreds of thousands flow through local Walmart’s, grocery stores, and gas stations purchasing a variety of “essential and non-essential” goods and services daily, requiring little to no
police involvement and enforcement. Meanwhile businesses and employees deemed non-essential have been publicly scrutinized with heavy police enforcement action for just trying to survive.

The heart of my letter addressed to the people of Oceanside on May 9th 2020, was not about defiance, it was about survival. Oceanside’s hurting and businesses have no other choice but to operate and survive, before it’s too late. I encourage us all to lead with empathy during this time of economic struggle. While Oceanside police officers receive a well-deserved paycheck and pension, Oceanside residents can’t even afford to pay their rent and health insurance. Each day that passes, multiple Oceanside businesses permanently close and the wealth of a generation diminishes.

I’m calling for Oceanside Police Chief McCoy, County Sheriff Gore and all San Diego County law enforcement officers to prioritize the survival of San Diego County residents and their God given freedoms to work and provide for those they love. I call on you to publicly refuse to discriminate between who’s life, job and business is deemed essential.

Semper Fidelis,
Christopher Rodriguez
Oceanside City Council District 2