Phase II Nearing Completion on Paseo Santa Fe in Vista


SDG&E has begun removing the above ground utility lines along S. Santa Fe Avenue from Oceanview Drive to Civic Center Drive as part of the Paseo Santa Fe Avenue Street Improvement project. The overhead lines are being placed underground to beautify the newly improved corridor. Once completed, all overhead lines will be underground from Main Street to Civic Center Drive.

The second phase encompassing Oceanview to Terrace Drive will be completed in late Spring 2020 after the Guajome and Terrace Drive roundabout is completed and the landscaping, sidewalks, and lighting have been installed. Phase III will begin immediately afterward to Civic Center Drive.

The complete project will be completed by December, 2020.

The area, known as Paseo Santa Fe, encompasses the S. Santa Fe Avenue corridor between Vista Village Drive and Civic Center Drive. The City’s vision is to fill the area with retail/shops/restaurants topped with living spaces to revitalize the downtown area.

The City will strive to minimize traffic impacts sometimes associated with construction. Thank you in advance for your patience as we work to improve the downtown core.