Sha’ak | Mujer de Baja California


This short film (in Spanish) featuring Baja California speaks to who resides there and a closer look at its origins with the intention of showcasing the customs and traditions of the first settlers and colonizers. A deeper insight into their celebrations, music and dances.

Who are you supporting by seeing this video??
It is a cultural insight that opens your eyes to a simpler life. This project is brought to your by our friends and colleagues in Chula Vista, South County San Diego; Grupo de Danza Folklorica Wa-Kushma directed by Anel Alvarez.

How do I watch the video?
Follow the link below

You can access the video anytime between, 7pm-10pm on these last 3 dates: Friday March 12th, 13th & 14th. Extremely low fee of $7.50…yes, only $7.50!!

Short film approx. 50min.
After your payment, you will receive an email with instructions, your virtual ticket and that’s it….enjoy the film.