Sheriff Bill Gore Statement on Public Gatherings


    The Sheriff’s Department will always first seek compliance from individuals related to the Public Orders and California’s Stay at Home Order. The Stay at Home and social distancing measures have been implemented to SLOW THE SPREAD OF COVID-19 AND SAVE LIVES.

    It is imperative we all comply with these orders. They were not created to follow when convenient. Not following these orders puts everyone’s lives at risk.

    While law enforcement has been given the tools to enforce these orders, we hope that citizens will cooperate and self-regulate. As a reminder in San Diego County, there are two orders to abide by: Governor Newson’s Executive Order N-33-20, and the Amended Health Officer Order and Emergency Regulations Addenda. Violations of both are misdemeanors and punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) or by imprisonment not to exceed six months or both. There might also be additional orders issued by incorporated cities within San Diego County.

    We thank the public for their cooperation. The more people cooperate, the shorter these public health measures will be in place.

    Please follow the directions provided in the Public Orders and Stay at Home. Do not congregate in groups of ten or more in parks, parking lots, beaches, and other public spaces. We understand this is difficult for many San Diegans who pride themselves on an outdoor lifestyle. Nonetheless, it is critical we all cooperate to stop the spread of COVID-19.

    Cities within the Sheriff’s jurisdiction and individual commands have the authority to close public areas as needed to protect public health. If you live in one of those areas, please check your local municipality’s website for information.

    Thank you from the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department
    Bill Gore