Small Business Census Through Aug. 19th – Help Us Help You


Hello MainStreet Oceanside business owners!

MainStreet Oceanside is excited to be participating in a pilot small business census from Main Street America this summer. Main Street America is dedicated to creating places of shared prosperity, equal access to opportunity, and inclusive engagement. The small business census will allow MainStreet Oceanside and Main Street America to better understand the diversity and inclusivity of our network, our work, and our impact, by gathering data on small businesses and business owners throughout the national network.

We are asking all business owners in Oceanside to please complete the census by August 19. With your participation, we will be able to establish a data baseline on the inclusivity of our Main Street economy and build a business inventory that will outline the number, resilience, and diversity of local business owners. MainStreet Oceanside will use the data collected to feature local businesses on our website in a district-wide map and showcase the diversity of our economic environment.

The current state of data on small businesses and small business owners across the United States is abysmal. At the same time, research has shown that diverse economies that reflect the demographics of the local community are key to economic resilience and strong communities. By participating in the census, you can contribute to a deeper understanding of Oceanside’s inclusivity and vitality.

Please direct any questions to Gumaro Escarcega at Thank you in advance for your participation in this important effort!