“Sticker Shock” Campaign by North County Teens


North County students will launch a summer “Sticker Shock” campaign to remind consumers that it is illegal to purchase or provide alcohol for anyone under 21. Teams of students will visit 18 markets and convenience stores in Vista and Oceanside, to place warning stickers on alcohol products.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 2023 BETWEEN 11:00 AM AND 12:30 PM

Multiple locations in Vista and Oceanside will be available, ending at Primo Food Mart, 1535 W. Vista Way, Vista.

Local teens want to raise awareness about underage drinking laws and reduce youth access to alcohol.
The Centers for Disease Control calls underage drinking a significant health problem and reports that early initiation of drinking is associated with developing an alcohol use disorder later in life.

The CDC says underage drinking also contributes to a many negative impacts, including social and academic problems, legal problems such as driving under the influence or fighting, risky sexual behavior, increased risk for suicide, changes in brain development, alcohol poisoning, and misuse of other substances.

In the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 29% of high school students said they had consumed alcohol in the past 30 days, 14% reported binge drinking, and 5% said they drove after drinking alcohol. 17% rode with a driver who had been drinking.
Resources and services are available to assist with screening, treatment, and recovery for individuals with a substance use disorder (SUD). The Access and Crisis line is open 24/7, at (888)724-7240.

About the North Coastal Prevention Coalition

The North Coastal Prevention Coalition aims to reduce the harm of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs in the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside and Vista through community action, education, support and collaboration. Funded in part by the County of San Diego, HHSA, Behavioral Health

Services, with a contract to Vista Community Clinic. Visit www.northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org