I want to give a shutout to the Foundation for Senior Care, which is continuing to deliver meals to seniors during this pandemic.

Today, they announced they will be delivering even more meals to senior citizens in Fallbrook Bonsall area. Here’s Briana Person (left) and Veronica Lopez at Major Market in Fallbrook getting groceries for seniors. Each day the Foundation for Senior Care delivers packages such as these to the elderly sheltered-in-place, and with no delivery charges.

The Foundation for Senior Well Being is hosting weekly “Coffee Connection” chat and gratitude sessions for North County seniors (older adults) during the orders to stay home. Join each Friday morning at 10 am (PST) to chat about how you are getting through this time, what you are grateful for and learn about fun activities and helpful resources. The meeting will be held by Zoom video conference.

​To participate:

On Fridays at 10 am, join the Coffee Connection meeting at https://zoom.us/j/957577505
(Note: no password is currently required. Participants do need a webcam on a computer or might need to download the app on a smartphone.)

Meeting ID: 957 577 505

To call in just for the audio, dial +16699006833, 957577505#

This meeting will occur every week on Fridays, until Apr 24, 2020

​Don’t know how to use Zoom? It’s free and easy to use! You can download an app to your smartphone, join from a computer (with a webcam) or just call in to hear the audio. Learn more: https://zoom.us/

This YouTube tutorial is a great resource for seniors joining Zoom for the first time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh50kVaIdAY
Help us spread the word for seniors to join in the call! (Please, a note to our colleagues who work for organizations that provide services to seniors: no marketing to seniors will be allowed.)

For more details: 760-891-8176
