Earlier today, the Board adopted a framework that will serve as the protocols for businesses to implement as they are allowed to reopen.
Each business knows how best to open in a safe manner, and we are relying on the innovation of our business owners to implement this framework on their own, as they are allowed to open.
Per the state of CA, here’s the reopening plan template:

Help For Businesses
Today, I partnered with Supervisor Gaspar on a Board letter to help our local businesses that are struggling during COVID-19. We’ve heard from hundreds of businesses about the current issues they face. We as County leaders should be doing all we can to help local business.

Today’s actions will provide a 6-month waiver of fees for inspections associated with environmental health, agriculture weights and measures, plan checks for tenant improvements, and air pollution control permit renewals.
Waiver of these fee types will help our local farmers, restaurants, salons, kennels, manufacturers, and the medical industry…among others.
Today’s action will defer lease payments for tenants on County-owned land, such as County airports, for six months.
Lastly, I have asked for staff to look at creative ways to help out the restaurant industry once they are reopen for dining.
Ideas include curbside pick up, and dine-in seating in parking lots.