Tour de Recovery Bike Ride Finish Line Welcome Party in Oceanside


DreamKeepers Project Inc, support group for the women and children of the Mental Health Systems Family Recovery Center is pleased to announce a welcoming celebration for the riders participating in the Tour de Recovery Bike Race on Sunday, June 12th at 11:00 am.

The Tour de Recovery is a long-distance bike ride sponsored by San Diego Mental Health Systems, MHS. The ride was conceived by Cork Snyder to raise awareness of MHS’ program of substance abuse recovery, and to raise funds for the Faith’s Hope Scholarship to be awarded to deserving graduates of the MHS facilities.

The ride begins in San Jose, through the Central Valley, stopping at MHS facilities in Fresno, Bakersfield, San Bernardino, Orange County, and Oceanside. Please visit for more information about Cork Snyder and the Tour de Recovery, FRC Program Director Fabi Quijano, and Faith’s Hope Scholarship.

The Finish Line Welcome Party will take place at the Family Recovery Center at 1100 Sportfisher Drive in Oceanside and will feature a raffle for beautiful gift baskets and gift certificates, food and beverage booths, fun children’s activities, and a local DJ will be providing music.

The MHS Family Recovery Center is a residential program that offers women, many with young children, the opportunity to go through drug or alcohol recovery while keeping their families intact. This program causes much less trauma for the children and instills self confidence in the women as well as bolstering their self-esteem.

DreamKeepers Project Inc is a 501(c)(3) charity ID#27-1029076
Please visit to learn more about the work of DreamKeepers and how your donation can change the lives of the women and children of the Family Recovery Center