Virtual Forum to Prevent Teen Vaping – Families Encouraged to Connect Together


WHAT: Renowned public speaker, Rockwell (‘Rocky’) Herron, from the San Diego County Office of Education, will share perspectives from his 30+ years with the DEA and the latest information parents and youth need to know to prevent the harms of alcohol, marijuana, vaping, and other drug use.

This educational virtual forum will help encourage students, parents and the public to prevent substance use among youth. One of the most influential factors during a child’s adolescence is maintaining a strong, open relationship with a parent. When parents create supportive and nurturing environments, children make better decisions. Attending forum together as a family will help start conversations.

WHEN: Wednesday, May 25 (ENGLISH) and Thursday, May 26 (SPANISH) from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.

WHERE: Virtual forum held on Zoom. Login links and details on flyers

• Welcome from Dr. Jose Villarreal, Rancho Buena Vista High School Principal and NCPC Board member
• Rockwell (‘Rocky’) Herron, San Diego County Office of Education, 30+ year DEA agent
• Previous studies have found increased initiation of substance use by teens during the summer months of June and July (
• If teens do not use any one substance (alcohol, cigarettes or marijuana), they are much less likely to use the other two or to use other illegal drugs. The percentage of teens reporting no substance use has increased since 1976. (
• One of the most influential factors during a child’s adolescence is maintaining a strong, open relationship with a parent. When parents create supportive and nurturing environments, children make better decisions. Though it may not always seem like it, children really hear their parents’ concerns, which is why it’s important that parents discuss the risks of using alcohol and other drugs. (

• Nearly 60% 11th graders in San Diego County report NO use of any substance in their lifetime; but only 30% of them view occasional marijuana use as harmful (SD County CHKS, 2019).

• Friends, relatives, and family members are the most common ways teens report getting alcohol, marijuana and other drugs (SD County CHKS, 2019).

• Marijuana use has been linked to a range of mental health problems in teens such as depression or anxiety. Psychosis has also been seen in teens at higher risk like those with a family history (

• Substance abuse and problematic patterns of substance use among youth can lead to problems at school, cause or aggravate physical and mental health-related issues, promote poor peer relationships, cause motor-vehicle accidents, and place stress on the family. (