Vendor Opportunities at Alta Vista Botanical Gardens Earth Day


Alta Vista Botanical Gardens is open and we’re looking forward to our Earth Day Festival on April 23 from 10 am to 3 pm. This fun family day is a FREE event and all are invited to enjoy kids’ activities, plants and food for sale, vendor booths and discover our beautiful Gardens. We welcome over 600 people – we had 1000 at the Fall Fun Festival!

The vendor application for the Fall Fun Festival is now available on the website under Events/Earth Day Festival. Vendor booth space is only $40. There are 2 ways to pay – by check or by PayPal using your credit card or debit card. The PayPal option link is available on the website.

We will welcome your crafts, jewelry, food, and business sales booths.

Sign up now – we’ll be so happy to share the day with you !!
Questions? Contact (760) 822-6824

Nancy B Jones “Farmer Jones” Director of Children’s Programs at Alta Vista Botanical Gardens (760) 822-6824