Vista City Council Appoints New City Attorney


The Vista City Council appointed Walter Chung as City Attorney at their regular meeting Tuesday, August 23, 2022. Chung had been serving as Acting City Attorney since June 2022 following the retirement of former City Attorney Darold Pieper.

“I am pleased to continue serving the City of Vista,” said Walter Chung after the announcement at Tuesday’s City Council meeting. “I look forward to supporting the Council’s strategic priorities and the organization’s mission.”

The city attorney is one of two positions, along with the city manager, appointed by the City Council. The City Attorney provides legal advice to the City Council, Commissions, Boards, and City staff. Chung will also lead a team of assistant and deputy city attorneys who perform the various functions of the City Attorney’s Office, such as preparing and reviewing all legal documents, ordinances, resolutions, and leases, participating in negotiations of all contracts, prosecution of municipal code violations, and coordination and supervision of special counsel to the City of Vista.

Read more on Chung’s extensive personal litigation experience both at the trial and appellate levels and his extensive transactional experience gained from working in both the financial and tech sectors.