Vista Council Approves Emergency Homeless Shelter Requests for Proposals 5-0!


Council Woman Corinna Contreras Stated, “This is a historic night for our city” At the October 26th City Council meeting held in the City of Vista, Agenda Item D1, was a hot topic. At discussions end, The Vista City Council unanimously directed staff to seek RFP’s (Requests for Proposals), for a low to no barrier shelter within the Vista City limits. The City Council has been working with staff over the last couple years to implement their innovative “Strategic Plan To Address Homlessness” within the city. This action advances their strategic plan to include a vital missing resource within the city. At Tuesday’s meeting city staff reported the most recent unsheltered homeless count in the city (as reported by the cities contracted social worker through Exodus Recovery services) is now up to 427. That number has risen over 30% since 2020 according to the data provided. Deputy Mayor Joe Green stated, “This decision shows that regardless of your political affiliation. We have the ability to work together at the local level to accomplish amazing things for our citizens. Homelessness isn’t a Republican, Independent, or Democrat issue. This is a humanitarian issue that leaders at the local level need to work together to address.”

Green further stated, “This new shelter will be innovative and welcoming. It will provide wrap around services, occupancy options/choices, and different educational aspects to help get our residents to their best selves.”

Although the location of the shelter has not been decided, it will have to fit within the cities current zoning. Staff will be scheduling 4 community workshops over the next 12months to facilitate community feedback. Workshops will be held in every district of this city at the councils request. For more info visit