Vistas’ New Fire Chief Takes Helm


The City’s new fire chief, Ned Vander Pol takes over the Vista Fire Department today, October 2, 2019, following the passing of the torch from retiring Chief Jeff Hahn. Chief Vander Pol has served as one of two Deputy Chiefs since 2012 and has been with the City since 1999.

In August, Vista City Manager Patrick Johnson appointed Ned Vander Pol to the position of Fire Chief following the retirement announcement of Chief Jeff Hahn after 35 years of service with the Vista Fire Department on October 1.

“I am confident in Ned’s ability as an experienced fire executive to lead both the fire department and to keep our community protected and safe. Ned has a tremendous track record working with our community and is well respected in the fire service,” said Patrick Johnson. “Ned has proven himself to be more than capable of handling responsibilities and oversight of the Vista Fire Department in the past, and I am confident he will handle the challenges that come with being Fire Chief.”