What is Monoclonal Treatment?


Supervisor Jim Desmond
Yesterday, I had a fascinating conversation with Dr. Jennifer Tuteur, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, for the County of San Diego about monoclonal treatment. This life-saving treatment is vital in our fight against COVID and is now eligible for some San Diegans.

The one-time treatment typically has people feeling better within 24 hours and studies have shown a reduction of hospitalizations and deaths by 85%! The key is to catch it early. So, if you start to develop symptoms, go get tested. If you test positive, call your healthcare provider, or the Monoclonal Regional Antibody Center phone number, (619) 685-2500. A nurse will walk you through a series of questions to see if you’re eligible for treatment, free of charge.

I’m still encouraging everyone to get vaccinated as it’s the best way to prevent the virus, and if you test positive this is a wonderful treatment. Check out the video below to learn more
