$90 Million for Bike Lanes!?


Jim Desmond
Earlier today, the SANDAG Board of Directors voted to allocate $90 million for bike lanes in San Diego County. Despite less than one percent of San Diegans using bikes as their primary transportation, bike lanes are being built around San Diego County at $5.5 million per mile.
These bike lanes are not helping our young families or the businesses that rely on our roads. Families are not using bike lanes to get to work, school, or the doctor. Kids are not sitting on the back of their parents’ bikes to go to soccer practice. Our priorities should not be building bike lanes for the few at $5.5 million per mile, but improving our highways for the many.
We owe it to our young families, our thriving businesses, communities, and the millions of San Diegans that use our highways and roads.
2020 Goals with Supervisor Desmond

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