Ask The Realtor, Rebecca the Realtor


    Q. We would like to know the real value of our home in today’s market. We may sell this year or we may wait a few years. Are online estimates correct on our home value?

    A. Great question, online valuations are never as accurate as one you will get from a professional that has seen your home inside and out. If you live in an area of tract homes where all are similar it can be closer. The problem is they can not see if you have tile or quartz counters, Paid Solar, Dual pane windows, upgraded bathrooms etc. They can also not see the inside of the homes around you, were they rentals for years? Upgraded? Filled with animals etc. There are many areas such as East Vista, Bonsall, Fallbrook to only name a few that in one mile you have manufactured homes, castles and custom homes. This makes valuations and appraisals difficult. We personally offer all of our clients a no obligation annual home review which they can file away. It is good to know when you are considering selling and also to make sure you have the correct insurance coverage.

    Please reach out with your questions.
    Rebecca Monge DRE #01961244
    Professional Realty Services International