Carlsbad City Library Ends Late Fines


The Carlsbad City Library is eliminating late fines for overdue items that are returned to the library as part of its continuing efforts to ensure the library remains easy to use and accessible for everyone.

Effective Sept. 1, the change means that fines for overdue items will be forgiven, including any outstanding fines, for all items that are returned back to the library. Fees for lost or damaged items and interlibrary loans will still apply.

Getting rid of late fines has become a national movement among libraries over the last several years. Studies show that penalties like fines for overdue items disproportionately affect vulnerable populations who need library resources to thrive. In 2019, the National Library Association passed a resolution stating that imposing monetary fines creates a barrier to library and information services.

“The Carlsbad City Library aims to be accessible and open to as many members of the community as possible and doing away with late fines is an important part of our efforts,” said Deputy Library Director Sheila Crosby. “We’re thrilled to announce this change, knowing it will encourage more people to engage with the library and benefit from its essential materials and services.”

Users are encouraged to contact their local Carlsbad City Library location to ensure their contact information is up to date. The library will provide two courtesy notifications when items are overdue.

After 28 days overdue items will be marked as lost and the cardholder will be billed for the item’s cost, plus processing fees. When a lost item is returned, any associated bills will be cancelled. Existing fees for lost or damaged items, interlibrary loans and accounts referred to collections will still need to be paid or resolved.

For more information about Carlsbad City Library’s lending policies, fines and fees, visit the library’s website.