City of Carlsbad is Keeping Downtown Clean


The City of Carlsbad is increasing the frequency of pressure washing on downtown sidewalks and the Carlsbad seawall to help keep those heavily traveled areas clean and inviting for residents and visitors.

Right now, pressure washing takes place four days a week, with no service on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Going forward, it will happen every day, with the option to schedule a second crew to do spot cleaning downtown after holidays or large events.

The changes were approved by the City Council on Tuesday. The pressure washing is done by a nonprofit company called Urban Corps, which the city has been contracting with since 2017.

Why it’s important
Maintaining a clean and healthy community is important to Carlsbad residents, business owners and city leaders, as well as tourists drawn to our beautiful beaches. Recently there’s been a demand for a cleaner environment in the Village, especially after events, holidays and busy weekends.

The city doesn’t have enough staff to do all the necessary maintenance, so it contracts with outside organizations for some of that work.

In August 2020, the city approved a six-year agreement with Urban Corps for pressure washing four days per week in the Village and along the seawall. The company gives underserved young adults, ages 18-26, a path to more career opportunities through education, life skills training, and paid work experiences on projects that benefit communities.

The initial six-year agreement was for $674,954. The changes, including increasing the cleanings to every day and adding spot cleaning when needed, will increase the contract to $1,384,748.

Under the agreement, Urban Corps provides all pressure-washing equipment and supplies needed to complete the cleaning work, including a pressure-washing truck and trailer.

The equipment is sustainable and can recapture water so that it doesn’t impact the city’s storm drain system, local businesses or homes.

Next steps
After the contract is amended, the daily pressure washing should begin immediately.

Staff contact
Michael O’Brien, Public Works Superintendent, 442-339-2996