City of Carlsbad Poinsettia Lane Traffic Lights


In anticipation of the completion of Poinsettia Lane, the City of Carlsbad will take steps to minimize traffic impacts in local neighborhoods by installing new traffic signals and implementing other measures to control speed and cut-through traffic.

Poinsettia Lane is a major traffic route that extends between Carlsbad Boulevard and Melrose Drive, and is a vital part of the city’s roadway network. However, there has been an 1,800-foot unfinished gap in the roadway between Cassia Road and Oriole/Skimmer Court.

Construction is under way to close that gap, and Poinsettia Lane is expected to be a continuous roadway from the coast to Melrose Drive starting in mid-2020.

Completion of Poinsettia Lane will reduce traffic flows on Cassia Road and improve traffic flow on El Camino Real and Ambrosia Lane, but it may have other effects. Residents in the Viadana, Pavoreal, Poinsettia Heights and Voscana neighborhoods have expressed concern about increased traffic and the potential for motorists cutting through their neighborhoods in search of shortcuts.

At the request of the City Council, the city’s Traffic Division undertook a study of potential impacts to better understand how Poinsettia Lane’s completion may affect local traffic and what corrective measures to take, if necessary. As a result, the city has committed to employing the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program to address changing conditions.

The study analyzed the intersections of Poinsettia Lane/Cassia Road and Poinsettia Lane/Oriole Court/Skimmer Court and determined that both intersections meet standards for traffic signals, and new traffic signals will be installed at both those intersections.

The study also analyzed the need for a dedicated right turn lane on southbound El Camino Real at Poinsettia Lane and determined that the intersection would perform satisfactorily without a dedicated right turn lane. A new lane would require roadway widening, which would necessitate construction of a retaining wall, relocation of a utility vault and encroaching on preserved habitat. Based on those factors, a right-turn lane will not be added at that intersection.

The study also assessed the potential for cut-through traffic on nearby roads, including Oriole Court, Mimosa Drive, Moorhen Place, Dove Lane and Cassia Road. The study measured traffic volume, speed and collision frequency in the area to assess current conditions and provide a baseline by which to compare future conditions.

The city has already implemented portable speed feedback signs on Mimosa Drive and Oriole Court and permanent speed feedback signs on Cassia Road to discourage cut-through traffic and reduce speeding. The Police Department will continue to patrol and enforce speed limits on those streets.

The city has conducted a series of neighborhood meetings to discuss traffic conditions with residents and will hold a meeting in January 2020 to discuss implementation of the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program with the Oriole Court/Mimosa Drive/Moorhen Place neighborhoods. The Traffic Division will monitor traffic after Poinsettia Lane opens and take corrective steps as needed.

Next Steps
Construction of Poinsettia Lane is expected to be completed in mid-2020
Budget approved for signals at Poinsettia Lane/Cassia Road and Poinsettia Lane/Oriole Court/Skimmer Court
Meeting for Oriole/Mimosa/Moorhen/Dove neighborhood scheduled for January 2020
Post-construction monitoring after traffic patterns established

More Information
Staff report for Dec. 10 City Council meeting
Poinsettia Lane Gap Closure
John Kim, city traffic engineer,, 760-602-2757