March 25, 2020 Carlsbad CoVid19 Update


Good morning, Carlsbad. Here’s what’s new in the past 24 hours. As a reminder, you can get updates throughout the day via the city’s social media and a dedicated website we have set up:


Carlsbad now has 13 confirmed cases

The latest numbers from the county show Carlsbad has 13 cases. Many have asked why the number went down (it was 14 the day before). Short answer is, it could be several reasons such as a case assigned by mistake to a different city. This reinforces what the county has been saying all along – the number of cases reported is likely not a true representation of the actual cases due to the fact that they are asking those with mild to moderate symptoms not to be tested. The most important thing to understand is that we know COVID-19 is spreading in the community and should respond accordingly. The county updates its numbers daily on this link.


We had officers at the sea wall, parks and other gathering places in the community yesterday on foot, bike, motorcycles and cars and we continue to do so as much as we can. Our stance on enforcement is that we are first focusing on education. We would like compliance through cooperation. We are hopeful citations will not be needed, but we have the ability to cite if necessary.

Citations carry a fine of up to $1,000 and up to six months in jail.

Please understand that this is an area where we continue to need your support. We appreciate everyone’s vigilance, and we need you to help our first responders stay focused on the highest priority calls.

City services update

At the city, all essential services are operational, although most are available by phone or online only at the moment. We still have staff at city hall (using the proper social distance). If you have needs or questions, call us at 760-434-2820 during normal business hours. To email questions, feel free to email our communication team at

Please know that deciding to close parks, trails and other public gathering spaces was not made lightly. We know these public spaces contribute greatly to your quality of life in Carlsbad. We have an obligation to follow the guidance of public health officials with the goal of maintaining our community’s safety. The latest list of what’s closed or postponed includes:

•Parks, trails, state beach parking lots and the beach north of Oak Avenue.
•All city buildings closed (to in-person services).
•Libraries, community centers, senior center, pools.
•Events and programs now postponed through April 30.

Essential/non-essential businesses

The governor put out a 14 page list describing the types of businesses considered essential under the public health order. Not every single business is called out by name, which creates some confusion. Here is a short list, and please check out the full list for more info:

•Health care, including pharmacies
•Grocery stores, markets, convenience stores
•Home improvement/hardware
•Big box stores that sell these essential items
•Restaurants for takeout and delivery

Our first virtual City Council meeting

I am happy to report that we successfully pulled off the city’s first “virtual” Carlsbad City Council meeting last night, complete with public comments (delivered via email). This is good news because now we can confidently move forward as normally as possible with the city’s legislative business. The next meeting is scheduled for April 7. If you’d like to see last night’s meeting, it’s on the website and will replay on our cable channel.

Economic impacts

We understand this emergency is and will continue to cause financial hardships on our residents and businesses. The City Council last night voted to form an ad hoc committee to address these impacts. More information will be available at the April 7 City Council meeting. In the meantime, we will share information about state, federal assistance and other available, as those resources become available.

More information about COVID-19

The Centers for Disease and Prevention continues to provide new and updated information about the new coronavirus. I encourage you to use its website as a go-to source for accurate information. Below is an excerpt from this week’s CDC update provided to cities that I thought had some clarifying information:

•Much is unknown about how the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19 spreads. Current knowledge is largely based on what is known about similar coronaviruses.
•Most often, person-to-person spread is thought to happen among people in close contact (about 6 feet) with each other.
•Person-to-person spread is thought to occur mainly through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, similar to how influenza and other respiratory pathogens spread. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.
•How easily a virus spreads person-to-person can vary. Some viruses are highly contagious (like measles), while other viruses are less so.
•It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.
•Typically, with most respiratory viruses, people are thought to be most contagious when they are most symptomatic (sickest).
•Mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy is unlikely, but after birth a newborn is susceptible to person-to-person spread.
•There is no reason at this time to think that any animals, including pets, in the United States might be a source of infection with the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
•At this time, CDC has no data to suggest that this new coronavirus or other similar coronaviruses are spread by mosquitoes or ticks.
•Mosquitoes and ticks cannot spread all types of viruses. For a virus to pass to a person through a mosquito or tick bite, the virus must be able to replicate inside the mosquito or tick.

Carlsbad at home

I’m going to wrap up today’s update with another reminder to please stay at home as much as possible. When you go out, keep 6 feet of distance between yourself and others not in your immediate household.

Please stay safe, stay home and continue to #Care4Carlsbad.WEB SITE