Vista Council Suspends Downtown Bid Fees


At last nights City Council meeting, Mar 24, 2020, the staff recommended during the CVBID Public Hearing to retain the CVBID, but will be suspending the fees for FY 20/21. The CVBID account has approximately $25,000 remaining, after canceled events and savings. These funds could be used for activities such as the Downtown website and social media promoting the area. Over the last week, the Downtown website has increased 6 fold as we implemented the new “Takeout” section and used social media to promote it.

The Council approved to keep the existing BID boundaries, the Advisory Board and the programs that we can sustain with the remaining funds, and suspend the collection of assessments for Fiscal Year 20/21.

If you have any questions contact:
Kevin Ham, Director of Economic Development
Phone: 760-643-5244