November Carlsbad Government Affairs Committee Hears from Solutions for Change and California Restaurant Association’


By TR Robertson
This months Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee featured presentations by Chris Megison, Executive Director of Solutions for Change and Peter Fenolio, Director of Political Engagement for the California Restaurant Association.
Peter Fenolio outlined the purpose behind the California Fair Pay and Employer Accountability Act proposal set for the 2024 election ballot. He said currently groundwork is being laid to stop the Private Attorney General Act (PAGA) which he said is a bad law that only works mostly for trial attorneys. He said since 2016 over $8 billion dollars has been paid out with most of the money going to attorneys collecting from decisions brought by lawsuits for mostly frivolous occurrences. He said each PAGA lawsuit has a probable payout of $200,000 dollars, mostly going to the attorneys. He gave several examples of now trial attorneys are reaping the rewards of these lawsuits such as a case where the attorney who brought the suits received millions of dollars in payment the individuals bringing the lawsuit only received $100 each. Peter showed charts listing the money awarded from business in Retail and Grocers, Healthcare and Hospitals, Manufacturing, Transportation and Warehousing, Food Services, Construction, Hotel and Lodging, Real Estate, Mining, Oil and Gas. Peter said the proposal for the 2024 ballot will help alleviate shakedowns and frivolous lawsuits, allow the administrative process to enforce the labor code not trial attorneys and assure that 100% of the settlements goes to the employee. Currently there is a $2 billion dollar tax on businesses. His group and others will be educating workers and employers about the new proposal. It has cost over $10 million dollars to get the proposal to the ballot with many of the funds coming from the Californian New Car Dealers and Western Growers Association. For more information go to or or .

The next presentation came from Chris Megison, Executive Director of Solutions for Change. He said that since 1999 their organization has been involved in assisting and solving homelessness in communities. They have assisted over 1,350 families to change their lifestyle and gain independence through jobs and education. Chris gave a power point presentation that showed the three programs they use to assist families. Solutions Academy is a 700-day life skill and vocational readiness program. Solutions in the Community involves getting families involved in a variety of ways and Solutions Enterprises is a working agricultural enterprise many of the families are involved with. Solutions is currently involved in A New Era for Solving Homelessness program transforming Overcomers into viable community members. He said homelessness is not just about housing and you cannot build your way out of homelessness. The Solutions for Change program strives to Equip, Lead and Empower people to solve the situation they are in. The Solutions for Change approach has a 73% success rate and 93% of the people that complete their program do not go back to a homeless lifestyle. Chris said one growing issue is the mental health crisis children are going through. The current proposal going to the Carlsbad City Council is to build a new Solutions for Change campus at 945 Chestnut Avenue in Carlsbad. The new development plan to take the existing property and build a training academy with campus housing for 22 on campus two-bedroom apartments. The 16,000 square foot facility is located on a ¾ acre site. Chris is seeking support for the proposal.
Legislative Reports:

Jason Haber – City of Carlsbad – The City Council has adopted 5-year strategic plan developing priority objectives which will have an annual review. Department meetings are also being held reviewing how new state bills will affect their departments. New policies are possible from the Public Safety Agency. Traffic issues on ebike safety and other traffic violations are being discussed. Election Day is Nov. 8 – 2 candidates for Mayor, 6 candidates for District 1 City Council and 2 candidates for District 3 City Council. Fire Station 7 expansion will be discussed Nov. 15th. Discussion will begin on possibilities for the SDG&E Operating Yard development. December 6th Homeless program will be discussed and Dec. 13 the new Council will be sworn in.
Crystal Page from County Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer – An education framework is being developed for schools concerning the growing fentanyl problem. There has been a spike in flu cases and flu shots and COVID boosters are recommended. Make sure to use approved election drop boxes for ballots. SANDAG has voted to remove the road usage charge.
Jack Cleary from State Senator Patricia Bates Office – The Senator is terming out. Selected Legislator of the Year in Orange County. Received awards for her support of businesses in the state.
Jessica Ramirez from U.S. Congressman Mike Levin’s Office – The Congressman recently completed a meeting and discussion concerning the coastal bluff erosion issues and its effect on the economy in coastal towns. Retired Major General Peggy C. Combs was recently honored. Congressman working on Veterans Affairs in lowering taxes on military pensions.
Bret Schanzenbach – CEO Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce – The Chamber has hosted 3 forums on various upcoming elections relevant to Carlsbad – Mayor, City Council and School Board. All forums are available on the Chambers web site – .