Victim Name Released in Carlsbad Stabbing


11/25/20, 1 p.m. — The deceased woman discovered Monday on the Hosp Grove trail in Carlsbad has been identified as 68-year old Lisa Thorborg of Carlsbad. According to the San Diego County Medical Examiner, Thorborghad been stabbed. Carlsbad police have narrowed the time of the incident to between approximately 10 to 11 a.m. Passersby called the police at 11:23 a.m. when they noticed a woman lying on the trail.

A citizen tip has identified a man who may have been in the area at the time of the incident as a white or Hispanic adult, 5’10” – 6’3”, huskybuild, tan complexion with dark hair. He was wearing a black shirt, black shorts and possibly a black hat. The man was walking slowly with a slight shuffle or limp. It is unknown at this time if this person is related to the incident.

Investigators urge anyone who witnessed or heard anything suspicious in the area of Hosp Grove Trail East, located near the 2600 block of Monroe Street, on Nov. 23 between 10 a.m. and noon, to call the Police Departmentat 760-931-2165.

According to City of Carlsbad Police Lt. Jason Jackowski, an active investigation is ongoing.

“We have put all available resources toward solving this case and ensuring our community’s safety,” said Jackowski. “At this time, we need to hold back some details known only to law enforcement, but rest assuredwe will release more information just as soon as we can.”

Jackowski also said that the only confirmed information is what has been released by the Police Department and the medical examiner.

Investigators determine deceased female found on Hosp trail was stabbed

11/24/20, 1 p.m. – On November 24, Police investigators in conjunction with the San Diego County Medical Examiner’s Office have determined that the deceased female found on the Hosp Grove Trail East was stabbed.

The victim, identified as a 68-year-old white female from Carlsbad, was walking or jogging on the trail when the stabbing occurred. The victim’s identity has been determined, however that information will not bereleased at this time.

A citizen tip has identified a man who may have been in the area at the time of the incident as a white or Hispanic adult, 5’10” – 6’3”, huskybuild, tan complexion with dark hair. He was wearing a black shirt, black shorts and possibly a black hat. The man was walking slowly with a slight shuffle or limp. It is unknown at this time if this person is related to the incident.

Investigators would like to reiterate, anyone who witnessed or heard anything suspicious in the area of Hosp Grove Trail East, located near the 2600 block of Monroe Street, on Nov. 23 between 10 a.m. and noon,to call the Police Department at 760-931-2165.

“We understand and share the community’s concern over this tragic case,” said Lt. Jason Jackowski, who is leading the investigation. “We have devoted all available resources and are working around the clock toensure justice for the victim and her family.”

According to Jackowski, extra police patrols have also been assigned to the area. The Police Department is also sharing general safety tips for walkers and joggers, including:
• Notify a family member or friend of exercise plans, including departure and return time
• Jog or walk with a known companion
• Be alert, walk with authority, look ahead and scan surroundings
• Attempt to keep unfamiliar people at a distance
• Always jog or walk in a familiar area; avoid being alone in heavily wooded, poorly lighted, rural or secluded areas
• Be aware of surroundings; avoid wearing earphones that will prevent hearing surrounding activity
• Wear bright colored clothing to improve visibility; avoid exercising after dark
• Vary route and schedule. Seek immediate help from any nearby residence, open business or group of people if followed
• Carry a cell phone to use for emergencies; minimize phone conversations, which distract and increase vulnerability
• Be alert to someone who asks for directions and continues to engage in conversation

“We know the community wants answers, and we will release as much information as we can as soon as we can,” said Jackowski. “Our main goal is to ensure the community’s safety and to complete a through, carefulinvestigation. Information released by the Carlsbad Police Department and the County of San Diego Medical Examiner is the only verified information that has been released at this time.”


Investigators Seek Witnesses after Deceased female is found on Hosp Grove Trail East

11/23/20 – On November 23, Police investigators are asking anyone who witnessed or heard anything suspicious in the area of Hosp Grove Trail East, located near the 2600 block of Monroe Street, between 10a.m. and 12 noon, to call the Police Department at 760-931-2165.

On November 23, at 11:23 a.m., a walker on Hosp Grove Trail East, located near the 2600 block of Monroe Street, reported to the Police Department they had found a deceased adult female on the trail.

Officers responded to the location and found the deceased female. The investigation into the suspicious death began and the area was closed and remains closed as investigators comb the area for evidence related to the death.

The San Diego County Medical Examiner will take possession of the body and ultimately determine the cause of death.

The investigation is in its infancy. Detectives will continue to work to determine the circumstances surrounding the death. More information will be released as it is available.