Water Wise Tips to Keep Children Safe


We know water is everywhere. Whether it’s a trip to the beach or a dip in the community or backyard pool, you can ensure that swimming is as safe as it is fun by following a few basic safety tips.

Top Tips about Swimming Safety
Watch kids when they are in or around water, without being distracted.
Keep young children within arm’s reach of an adult. Make sure older children swim with a partner every time.
Always keep a phone nearby for emergencies.
Have a designated water watcher to be distraction free to focus on the pool or area of water the children are playing in or around.
Teach children how to swim.
Teach children that swimming in open water is not the same as swimming in a pool. They need to be aware of uneven surfaces, river currents, ocean undertow and changing weather.
Know what to do in an emergency. Learning CPR and basic water rescue skills may help save a child’s life.