Vista City Council Meeting Goes Virtual During Health Crisis


Vista City News
The next City of Vista City Council meeting will be in a virtual format as the Public Health order continues. The next meeting is scheduled for April 14 at 5:30 pm and will be held through Zoom video conferencing. The public may only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chambers, per the State of California Executive Order N-29-20. This meeting is being conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with Executive Order N-29-20. Members of the public may watch the meeting via Livestream and archived meetings are available on the City website. The full meeting agenda and livestream links can be found here.

Closed Council Chambers
Council Chambers will be closed, and only essential personnel will be on site to administer the meeting. Persons needing special assistance to participate in the meeting under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), should contact the Clerk/Secretary at 760.643.5320 with requests for reasonable accommodation at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Public Comment Submissions
To submit a comment in writing, the public should use the following guidelines:
•Write the item number and/or title of the item in the subject line. If you would like the comment to be read out loud at the meeting (not to exceed three minutes or such lesser time), please write “READ AT MEETING” at the top of the email.
•Oral comments are accepted by leaving a message at 760.643.2815. Please include your name and the spelling, as well as the item number or title of the item you wish to speak about at the beginning of the message, and whether you would like your comments verbally summarized at the meeting. You may also opt to simply have the City Clerk state whether you are in favor or opposed to a specific agenda item.
•You are encouraged to submit comments prior to the meeting. All comments received by 4:00 pm will be emailed (voice messages will be summarized) to the City Council members and included as an “Add to Packet” on the City’s website prior to the meeting. Comments will be accepted after 4:00 pm as follows: ◦Comments on items on the agenda must be received prior to the time the Mayor closes public comment on the item.
◦Comments on city-related items not on the agenda must be received prior to the start of Oral Communication.

Please note: Comments via social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) will not be accepted. All comments are subject to the same rules as would otherwise govern speaker comments at the meeting.

This agenda, related staff reports, and any correspondence received as addenda are available here.

City Clerk’s Office
P: 760.643.5320